
How To Take Loan In Smart Cell? In 30 Second

Find how Smart Cell's new loan service can keep you connected even with a low balance. Learn how to quickly borrow balance in just 30 seconds with a small service charge.

How To Take Loan In Smart Cell

Smart Cell has brought loan services for its customers. This service will help smart cell users to use the services even if their balance is low. Now smart cell users will get some balance on how to take/subscribe to smart cell loan services. Smart Telecom charges a small service charge for this loan service. Smart Cell will charge 50 paise for each loan service.


How To Take a Loan In Smart Cell In 30 Seconds

  1. You have to dial *129*10# on your mobile phone.
  2. After dialing the above USSD code, if you have less than Re 1 then you will get the loan amount on your balance.

This service is now available only for Smart Cell SIM owners who have been in Smart Telecom’s network for 6 months. That is, only a 6-month-old smart sim can get a loan/sapati service.
