
Lumbini Bouddha University (LBU)

If you are looking for the latest update on Lumbini Bouddha University (LBU), Nepal. Here is the list of latest Results, Exams, Syllabus, Vacancy, and News of Lumbini Bouddha University, with detailed information about each Update.

Lumbini Buddhist University, established in 2005, is located in Lumbini, the birthplace of Gautama Buddha, in Rupandehi district. The university is mainly established for teaching/studying the philosophy propounded by Gautama Buddha. LBU has 6 campuses (1 constituent, 5 private), 705 students, and 23 teaching staff.

Currently, there are no any updates posted related to Lumbini Bouddha University (LBU) . However, we have plenty of other useful resources for you to explore, including the Education News, Job Vacancy, Exams, Resuts, Career Guide and General Knowledge. Please feel free to browse our website and check back later to find more updates related to Lumbini Bouddha University (LBU). We apologize for any inconvenience caused and hope that we can provide you with the information you need in the future.