
Lumbini Pradesh Loksewa Aayog Syllabus

Here is the list of Lumbini Pradesh Loksewa Aayog Syllabus in pdf format for various level and position. You can easily View or Download the syllabus.

Lumbini Pradesh Loksewa Aayog Syllabus

A syllabus is most important for any exam preparation. The syllabus provides an overview of the topics to be covered for the exam that’s why here I will provide you a comprehensive list of the Lumbini pradesh Loksewa Aayog syllabus. Provincial Public Service Commission, Lumbini Province (Lumbini Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog) published the syllabus for various levels and positions. Find the Lumbini Pradesh Loksewa Aayog Syllabus as per the position and level.


To view or download the Lumbini Pradesh Loksewa Aayog Syllabus. Firstly, You need to find the syllabus related to your Level and Position from the list. Then, click on “View”.

Lumbini Pradesh Loksewa Aayog Syllabus list

SyllabusFirst PaperSecond Paper
Engineering Service, Fourth Level, Civil Group, Sanitary Subgroup, Water and Sanitation Technician SyllabusView
Engineering Service, Fourth Level, Assistant Sub-Engineer SyllabusView
Miscellaneous Service, Fourth Level, Assistant Women Development Inspector SyllabusView
Health Service, Fourth Level, Medical Lab Technology Group, Lab Assistant SyllabusView
Health Service, Fourth Level, Radiography Group, Darkroom Assistant SyllabusView
Health Service, Fourth Level, Health Inspection Group, Assistant Fourth Level, Cold Chain Assistant and A.H.B. SyllabusView
Health Service, Fourth Level, Nursing Group, A.N.M. SyllabusView
Internal Audit and Law Syllabus towards Administration Service, Fourth Level, General Administration, Revenue, Accounts Group and Local Government ServiceView
Service, Fifth Level, Assistant Level, Women Development Inspector SyllabusView
Health Service, Fourth Level, Ayurveda Group, Assistant SyllabusView
Forestry Service, Fifth Level, General Forestry, Soil and Water Conservation and Forest Research Group SyllabusView
Health Service, Fifth Level, Miscellaneous Group, Anesthesia Assistant SyllabusView
Economic Planning and Statistics Service, Fifth Level, Economic Planning and Statistics Service, Statistics Group SyllabusView
Engineering Service, Fifth Level, Nepal Engineering Service, Civil Group, Highway Sub-Group, Lay Technician SyllabusView
Health Service, Fifth Level, Health Service, Pharmacy Group SyllabusView
Health Service, Fifth Level, Health Service, Dental Group, SyllabusView
Miscellaneous Service, Fifth Level, Miscellaneous Service, Computer Operator SyllabusView
Engineering Service, Fifth Level, Engineering Service, Chemistry Group SyllabusView
Education Service, Fifth Level Level, Education Service, Administration Group, Inspection Subgroup SyllabusView
Administration Service, Fifth Level, Administration Service, General Administration, Revenue, Accounts Group/Internal Audit and Law Group SyllabusView
Engineering Service, Fifth Level, Engineering Service, Survey Group SyllabusView
Engineering Service, Fourth Level, Engineering Service, Survey Group SyllabusView
Health Service, Fifth Level, Health Service, Health Inspection Group SyllabusView
Health Service, Fifth Level, Health Service, Radiography Group SyllabusView
Health Service, Fifth Level, Health Service, Medical Lab Technology Group SyllabusView
Health Service, Fifth Level, Health Service, Medical Recorders Group SyllabusView
Health Service, Fifth Level, Health Service, Physiotherapy Group SyllabusView
Health Service, Fifth Level, Health Service, Public Health Nursing Group SyllabusView
Health Service, Fifth Level, Health Service, General Nursing Group SyllabusView
Health Service, Fifth Level, Health Service, Ayurveda Group SyllabusView
Education Service, Fifth Level Level, Education Service, Archeology Group, Museum Subgroup SyllabusView
Engineering Service, Fifth Level, Engineering Service, Geology Group, Hydrogeology Sub-Group SyllabusView
Engineering Service, Fifth Level, Engineering Service, Civil Group, Building and Architect Sub-Group, SyllabusView
Engineering Service, Fifth Level, Engineering Service, Civil Group, General, Highway, Sanitary, Irrigation, Hydropower and Hydrology Sub-Group SyllabusView
Forest Service Service, Tierless Level, Nepal Forest Service under State Civil Service, General Forestry Group, Tierless, Forest Guard Course SyllabusView
Agricultural Service, 4th Level, Fisheries, Veterinary and Livestock Poultry and Dairy Development Group under Provincial Agricultural Service and Local Government Service, Assistant Level 4th Level SyllabusView
Agricultural Service, 4th Level, State Agricultural Service and Plant Protection under Local Government Service, Agronomy, Horticulture, Agr. Extension, Soil Science and Agri-Eco and Marketing Group, Assistant Level IV Level SyllabusView
Agricultural Service, Fifth Level, Fisheries, Veterinary and Livestock Poultry and Dairy Development Group under Provincial Agricultural Service and Local Government Service, Assistant Level Fifth Level SyllabusView
Agricultural Service, Fifth Level, State Agricultural Service and Plant Protection under Local Government Service, Agronomy, Horticulture, Agr. Extension, Soil Science and Agri-Eco and Marketing Group, Assistant Level V SyllabusView
Agricultural Service, Fifth Level, Food Nutrition and Quality Control Group under State Agricultural Service and Local Government Service, Assistant Level Fifth Level SyllabusView
Agricultural Service, Seventh Level, Provincial Agricultural Service, Veterinary Group, Officer Level Seventh SyllabusView
Agricultural Service, Seventh Level, Livestock, Poultry and Dairy Development Group under State Agricultural Service, Official Level Seventh SyllabusView
Agricultural Service, Seventh Level, Provincial Agricultural Service, Fishery Group, Officer Level Seventh SyllabusView
Agricultural Service, Seventh Level, State Agricultural Service, Food Nutrition and Quality Control Group, Officer Level Seventh SyllabusView
Engineering Service, 7th Level, General Mechanical and Construction Equipment Supply Subgroup under Engineering Service Mechanical Group SyllabusViewView
Engineering Service, Seventh Level, Engineering Service, All Subgroups under Civil Group SyllabusViewView
Second Paper Syllabus of Engineering Service, Seventh Level, Engineering Service, Civil Group, Building and Architect SubgroupView
Health Service, Seventh Level, Health Service, Physiotherapy Group, Seventh Level, Physiotherapist or similar SyllabusViewView
Health Service, Seventh Level, Provincial Health Service, General Nursing and Public Health Nursing Group Seventh Level SyllabusViewView
Health Service, Seventh Level, Health Service, Medical Lab Technology Group, Seventh Level SyllabusView
Health Service, Eighth Level, Health Service, General Health Services Group Medical Officer Course SyllabusView